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Tarot as you’ve never had before.

We are not normal readers – it is true you get what you pay for and with us, a reading is primal and will deliver your answers straight from the astral realms. 

All of our readings are conducted either by Zoom or by email. 

We do not offer face-2-face readings as our process differs from traditional pathways. 

Before booking look at the about section and choose your poison.


What would you do if you could play with fate? If you knew what was coming up and you could change it? We are experts at divination and exploring a way for you to get the best possible results.


What do you want to achieve? Are you trying to alter someone else's fate? This reading will show you how you go about changing the destiny of those who have wronged you.


Do you feel that there are too many directions for you right now? Stuck and frightened to make your choice? What you need is to explore those pathways and choose the one that gives the greatest outcome.


Have you been a victim of magical attack? Do you feel you are not in control of your own destiny? Let us scry and explore those who are meddling in your life. Or, do you want to meddle in theirs?



This is the correct reading for you if you are trying to explore your future. Guidance is given on what fate is awaiting you.



If cosmic manipulation is on the cards, this is the reading for you. Change someone else's fate? Who has burned you? Let's settle the score.



Too many pathways ahead? What if you could peek at the best option for you? Avoid the pitfalls and change your fate.



To bind or unbind? If you have been a victim of a psychic, spiritual or magical attack, it's time to send it back.